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The Carving Guild has been encouraging decoy carvers for years and is supported by carvers from a tight waterfowl hunting/carving community.  


Decoy carving is a centuries-old artform rooted in North America's unique waterfowl hunting tradition, and carving competitions are a much-loved celebration of this heritage.  The interest in showcasing working duck decoys in Manitoba was first sparked by Dr. Frank Baldwin, a sportsman, naturalist, waterfowler and gifted decoy carver who organized a waterfowl carving competition in Selkirk in 1983. Over the years, Frank taught many working decoy classes and helped re-establish Manitoba's decoy carving tradition.  In 2003 the Oak Hammock Marsh Carving Guild was formed.  Due to changes to the Discovery Centre in 2024, the Guild entered a new partnership with FortWhyte Alive.

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2nd BOS Open Black Duck Susan Cowtan.HEIC


2010 Best of Show, intermediate - Ron Po

Immerse yourself in a supportive artistic community where ideas are shared and creativity thrives. The Carving Guild at FortWhyte encourages a welcoming and inclusive environment for all participants. Reach out to learn more or become a member.


  • Sat, Sep 07
    FortWhyte Alive RIC Main Theatre
    Sep 07, 2024, 10:30 a.m. – Sep 08, 2024, 3:30 p.m.
    FortWhyte Alive RIC Main Theatre, 1961 McCreary Rd, Winnipeg, MB R3Y 1S9, Canada
    Sep 07, 2024, 10:30 a.m. – Sep 08, 2024, 3:30 p.m.
    FortWhyte Alive RIC Main Theatre, 1961 McCreary Rd, Winnipeg, MB R3Y 1S9, Canada
    Enjoy the distinctive art of wood carving
  • Date and time is TBD
    Winnipeg - Ben & Rose Puchniak Woodwork
    Date and time is TBD
    Winnipeg - Ben & Rose Puchniak Woodwork, 1961 McCreary Rd, Winnipeg, MB R3P 2R9, Canada
    Date and time is TBD
    Winnipeg - Ben & Rose Puchniak Woodwork, 1961 McCreary Rd, Winnipeg, MB R3P 2R9, Canada
    Carve and paint your own decoy

Competition Rules

  • Gunning Decoy Divisions
    It is our goal to keep the history of the Traditional Gunning Decoy as accurate as possible. There will be two Gunning Decoy Divisions: Traditional Hunting/Working Style and Contemporary Style, all life-size floating, all competing for Best of Show (See rules for details)
  • Other Categories
    REST OF THE MARSH - Any subject: bird, duck not life-sized, mammal/critter or fish; found in and around the marsh is eligible. (See rules for details). First, second and third-place ribbons only will be awarded. STYLIZED REPRESENTATIONS OF THE MARSH – Any subject: bird, duck, mammal/critter or fish; found in and around the marsh is eligible; natural finish, interpretive, rusty-nail shorebirds, and peeps (see rules for details). First, second and third-place ribbons only will be awarded. NON-FLOATING DECORATIVE DUCKS – LIFE-SIZED First, second and third-place ribbons only will be awarded. VINTAGE DECOY CLASS – not floated. Pristine or worn. Not to be a replica, but the carver's own design of an old-style decoy, perhaps one you would find as a mantlepiece. (See rules for details) First, second and third-place ribbons only will be awarded.
  • Purchase Awards
    Note: all Purchase Award Entries may also compete in their respective classes/Divisions FortWhyte Purchase Award sponsored by Richard Whittom will offer a purchase award for a carved duck head mounted on a base. EXCLUDING ALL MERGANSERS AND CANVASBACKS. A small portion of breast may be included. As much or as little detail as the carver wants, painted in oil or acrylic. First Prize $200. (Award sponsor retains ownership of the First-Place carving) The Rod Fowler Memorial Purchase Award for a contemporary shorebird (Carvers Choice – Full or Half-Size) There are no restrictions on painting. There is to be no individual feather carving, however, feather groups can be displayed. Non-floating. Sponsored by Russ Muth. First Prize $250. (Award sponsor retains ownership of the First-Place carving) The Ross Gage Purchase Award for an antique-style shorebird decoy (pristine or worn/distressed finish). Sponsored by Ross Gage. First Prize $200. (Award sponsor retains ownership of the First-Place carving) “Shadow” Purchase Award for a half-sized to full-sized songbird, owl or raptor found in North America. Carving to be mounted on a base. Sponsored by John Frye. First Prize $400. (Award sponsor retains ownership of the First-Place carving) Larry Vanderhyde Purchase Award for best cocktail-sized bird, duck or decoy carving. Sponsored by Susan Cowtan. Maximum size of the subject, excluding base, must fit into a four-inch cube. First Prize $200. (Award sponsor retains ownership of the First-Place carving)
  • Skill Level Definitions
    Carvers who have never competed at any competition must choose a skill level at which they will compete. The competition includes 3 skill levels: Novice, Intermediate and Open, as well as one age level - Junior Junior: Individuals who have not reached their 18th birthday by the start date of the competition and who have not entered any other skill level Novice: Beginning carvers are encouraged to enter at this level. Intermediate: Carvers who have won 4 Best of Show Awards at the Novice Level (1st, 2nd, or 3rd Best of Show). Open: Carvers who have won 4 Best of Show at the Intermediate Level (1st, 2nd, or 3rd Best of Show). When a carver wins 4 Best of Show in any competition, he/she must advance to the next level within one year or at our next competition. (A first, second or third Best of Show placement counts as a Best of Show Win). A carver can elect at any time to move up in levels, but any carver who advances voluntarily cannot move back.
  • General Rules
    1) All entries must be the sole work of the entrant. 2) All entries must be signed and dated in an indelible fashion. 3) All entries must be registered on or before 10:00 am Saturday September 16, 2023 4) All entries must remain at the competition site until 3:00 pm September 17, 2023. 5) Entries must be of a species found in North America. 6) Entries should be life size. Exceptions - Rod Fowler Purchase Award, which may be half size or life size, Shadow Purchase Award which may be anywhere from half-sized to life-sized. 7) Judging categories will be comprised of the following: a) Traditional Hunting/Working Decoy Division i) diving ducks ii) puddle ducks iii) geese/swans and confidence birds iv) shorebirds b) Contemporary Gunning Style Decoy Division, i) diving ducks ii) puddle ducks iii) geese/swans and confidence birds iv) shorebirds c) Purchase Awards d) Vintage Decoys e) Rest of the Marsh f) Stylized Representations of the Marsh g) Non-floating decorative ducks h) Junior 8) Judging begins Saturday at 10:30 am. All Judges decisions are final.
  • Entry Fees
    Entry fees will be $10.00 for the first entry and $5.00 for each additional entry. The entry fee for each of the Purchase Awards is $15.00. If you wish to compete in a purchase award and the regular class with the same carving, you pay only the purchase award entry fee. Junior entries are free.
  • Traditional Hunting/Working Decoy Division Information and Rules
    This decoy must represent a traditional working decoy in all aspects of painting and construction. It is a decoy that may be described as one that is simple in style and specifically carved to be hunted over and therefore appearance in the water when viewed from a distance is paramount. Equally important is the durability of the decoy. If damaged, the decoy should be easy to repair and repaint as required. Construction: 1. Decoys must be sturdily constructed from traditional materials such as wood, cork, foam or stretched canvas. 2. Head may be screwed or dowelled to the body. 3. All decoys (except non-floating shorebirds) will be floated 4. All floating decoys must have facility for anchor line attachment and four to six feet of anchor line, with an appropriate anchor 5. Construction must be sturdy, practical and suitable for use as a hunting decoy. Construction will be judged in hand. Carving: 1. Carving is limited to the general shape of the bird and carved detail is therefore to be limited. (Details that may make the decoy less durable or are not easily repaired are discouraged and may be considered a negative when the decoy is judged.) 2. Limited details such as mandible separation and nostril holes will be permitted. 3. Feather groups may be carved but not individual feathers. Added detail will carry no weight in the decision of the overall quality Painting: 1. The decoy must be painted to the basic color pattern to represent that particular species. 2. Painting and finish must be durable, simple and easily repaired. Any decoy that loses paint, checks or cracks will be disqualified. Minimum blending and combing will be permitted. 3. Eyes can be glass, tacks, carved or painted 4. Painting and finishing must be durable, simple* and easily repaired. Any decoy that loses paint, checks or cracks will be disqualified. 5. Stippling and combing will be permitted Definition of simple painting: * Minor blending is permissible on the head and major feather groups (primary, secondary, tertial and side pockets). Individual feathers may be outlined only (primary, secondary, tertial and side pockets). Painted splits are permissible to define a feather group Judging: 1. All entries will be judged in natural water habitat. 2. Judging will be carried out at a distance no more than 30 yards and no closer than 10 yards. 3. Construction will be judged in hand. 4. All decoys (except non-floating shorebirds) will be floated and must have facility for anchor line attachment. An anchor line of 4-6 feet, with an appropriate anchor, is required to be attached to the floating decoy. 5. Decoys must self-right when thrown from the canoe. Geese & Swans must self-right from their side. 6. Floating shorebirds decoys will be floated. Standing birds must be mounted on a dowel or on wire legs.
  • Contemporary Gunning Style Decoy Division Information and Rules
    Construction: 1. Decoys may be made from traditional materials such as wood, cork, foam or stretched canvas. 2. Construction must be sturdy and suitable for use as a hunting decoy. 3. All decoys (except non-floating shorebirds) will be floated 4. All decoys must have facility for anchor line attachment and 4-5 feet of anchor line, with an appropriate anchor. . Carving: 1. Some carving detail is permitted, i.e., feather groups - tertials, scapulars or bill detail. 2. Individual feather burning, and/or carving is not permitted. 3. Bill detail is allowed Painting: 1. Paints must be durable. Decoys losing paint, checks or splits will be disqualified 2. Detailed painting techniques, to the best of the carver’s ability, are encouraged. Detailed painting of individual feathers or feather groups is acceptable and can include, but is not limited to, such things as feather-edges, splits and hand vermiculation. Judging: 1. All entries will be judged in natural water habitat. 2. Judging will be carried out from a distance of no more than 30 yards and no closer than 10 yards. 3. Decoys should reflect the overall character of the species. 4. Construction will be judged in hand. 5. All decoys (except non-floating shorebirds) will be floated and must have facility for anchor line attachment. An anchor line of 4-6 feet, with an appropriate anchor, is required. 6. Decoys must self-right when thrown from the canoe. Geese, swans must self-right from their side. 7. Floating shorebird decoys will be floated. Standing shorebirds must be mounted on a dowel or on wire legs.
  • Vintage Decoy Division Information and Rules
    1. Vintage decoys: a decoy with the style, characteristics and charm of its forebears but not a replica of the original. Carvers may exaggerate certain features, blend carving styles and/or add their own personal flair to classic decoy style. Carvers are to be complemented in their creativity in re-stylizing classic Canadian/American decoys. Correct anatomy will not be the standard here. Decoys should be made to look old by the manner in which they are carved, painted and finished. 2. There will be two divisions: Pristine and Worn. a. Pristine decoys are antique-style pieces which have not been subjected to field use, with minimal wear and patina permitted b. Worn decoys are pieces that appear to have had heavy field use showing moderate to severe deterioration 3. Waterfowl, shorebird and confidence decoys are eligible.
  • Other Divisions Information and Rules
    Rest of the Marsh Any subject: bird, duck not life-sized, mammal/critter or fish; found in and around the marsh is eligible. Leg extensions and outstretched wings have no limitations. Carving and painting have no limitations. Stylized Representations of the Marsh Any subject: bird, duck, mammal/critter or fish; found in and around the marsh is eligible; A stylized or interpretive work in any medium will be welcome. Natural finish, interpretive, rusty-nail shorebirds, and peeps would be entered here. No limitation on size or finish Non-floating Decorative Ducks – Life-sized Entries may be full-bodied or flat-bottomed Full detailing and painting is the standard Junior 1. Individuals under 18. No entry fees. 2. Any carving, any category including silhouette.
  • Awards and Judging Procedure
    Decoys will be judged and accorded recognition within each skill level (i.e., Novice will be judged against Novice, etc.). One level will not be judged against another. Each skill level within each division will be judged in three stages; i) Best in Category, ii) Best in Division iii) Best of Show. Ribbons will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd positions Each Division is judged separately. Decoys are first judged and ranked by Category, 1st, 2nd & 3rd places will be awarded. The 1st place Best of Division winner is selected from all of the 1st place winners of the categories. The judge/judges then set this carving aside. The 2nd ranked carving from the same category will replace it. This piece will be judged along with all the other 1st place winners. The 2nd place Best of Division winner will now be replaced by the next ranking carving from the same category and the 3rd place Best of Division winner is selected. Once all of the Best of Divisions have been awarded, the same procedure is followed to rank the 1st, 2nd & 3rd place Best of Show. This procedure is followed for Novice, Intermediate and Open. This procedure allows an outstanding 2nd or 3rd place carving to be judged ahead of a 1st place carving in another category, which makes judging truly equitable. Please note: This is a competition and judges have the authority to change judging criteria to keep the level of competition at it’s highest (i.e.; combining classes or divisions etc). The judging criteria will be based on craftsmanship, accuracy, essence of the species, originality, artistry and durability. JUDGES DECISIONS ARE FINAL.
  • Entry Forms
50/50 Sale Table

At our Show and Competition we have carving items and carvings for sale.  

Carvers set the price for their carvings, books, tools etc..  

If sold, 50% of the sale price goes to the carver and

50% to The Carving Guild at FortWhyte Club.

Your participation would be greatly appreciated.



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Interested in The Carving Guild at FortWhyte or have any questions? Feel free to contact us — we're here to assist you.

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